Building Insulation
Description Building
insulation is a light-density fiber glass blanket
used in residential construction for thermal and
acoustical insulation of walls, ceilings and floors.
Unfaced insulation
is manufactured in increased
widths to permit friction fit installation in wall cavities.
This insulation is used with a separate vapor retarder
or where a vapor retarder is not required.
insulation is manufactured with an
integral vapor retarder. The kraft facing has formed
attachment flanges at the edges which are used for
either face or inset stapling. The kraft facing, applied
with asphalt to the fiber glass insulation, has a vapor
transmission (permeance) rating of 1 perm or less.
Product Benefits •
Thermally efficient
• Lightweight
and flexible for easy installation.
sound absorption; reduces noise level
wherever applied.
glass fiber is noncorrosive; it will not rot
or mildew or otherwise deteriorate.
not absorb moisture.
per ASTM E 136 (unfaced only).